PDF Options

PDF Options for Reports and Schedules

When saving a report as a PDF, the PDF Setup dialog appears, where you can browse detailed options for the PDF document. The dialog is also available when configuring a scheduled report to produce PDF output. When saving a report manually, the dialog remembers your user's settings in-between sessions (per user, per computer).


The Preferences screen in the PDF Setup dialog


The Content screen in the PDF Setup dialog


The Background screen in the PDF Setup dialog


The Advanced screen in the PDF Setup dialog

Viewer Preferences

The Viewer Preferences screen contains options that specify how your PDF viewer should display the PDF upon opening it. These settings are intended for use with Acrobat Reader, but may also work in other PDF viewers. Note that these settings define the initial view; however, the user is free to change the display options in their PDF viewer.

The Viewer Preferences screen in the PDF Setup dialog

PDF Options for Report API Calls

When generating a PDF of a report via an Argos API call that uses the GET method, you can choose a number of PDF options in the report URL.

A typical GET API call includes the report unique identifier followed by any parameters needed to generate the report:


To specify PDF options, simply add an ampersand (&) followed by the option name and value for each option you wish to specify. For example:

https://localhost/mrr?report=XPOUZHZFMRTUT6O6MXV2UG66NX6VZPUTPT52WEVCYJYDVHQXUPXUJJRKOMPE6ZYUOULWAC7N5PGHE&Main_lb_AddrType.STVATYP_CODE=BU&Main_dd_entityInd.EntityCode=P&PDF.EmbedFonts=None&PDF.Encryption.UserPassword=12345&PDF.Author=Evisions&PDF.Title=My Document Title

Similarly, when using POST, you can specify PDF options as additional parameters using the <input> tag:

<form method=post action="https://mapstestkit01/mrr">
<input type="hidden" name="REPORTFORMAT" value="PDF">
<input type="hidden" name="PDF.EmbedFonts" value="None">
<input type="hidden" name="PDF.Encryption.UserPassword" value="12345">
<input type="hidden" name="PDF.Author" value="Evisions">
<input type="hidden" name="PDF.Title" value="My Document Title">
<input type="submit" value="Click Here to Run Report">

The table below lists all available PDF options, followed by their possible values. If you do not include an option in the URL, it will use the value marked as its (default).

PDF Option Available Values
PDF.UseImagesAsResources True, False (default)
PDF.ProcessAfterEachPage True (default), False
PDF.ActiveHyperlinks True (default), False
PDF.EmbedFonts Full (default), None, Subset
PDF.Text True (default), False
PDF.Shape True (default), False
PDF.Image True (default), False
PDF.Image.OutputImageFormat BMP, JPEG (default), CCITT3, CCITT4
PDF.Image.JPEGQuality Integer, defaults to 100
PDF.Image.ImagePixelFormat Device, 1bit, 4bit, 8bit, 15bit, 16bit, 24bit (default), 32bit
PDF.Image.SourceDPI Integer, defaults to 96
PDF.Author String, defaults to null
PDF.Creator String, defaults to null. In Acrobat, the "Creator" property is displayed as "Application".
PDF.Keywords String, defaults to null
PDF.Subject String, defaults to null
PDF.Title String, defaults to null
  • Hex value in RRGGBB format (e.g., FF0000)
  • Hex value in BBGGRR format with the addition of the prefix "0x" (e.g., 0x0000FF)
  • Any of the named colors supported in Argos: Black, Maroon, Green, Olive, Navy, Purple, Teal, Gray, Silver, Red, Lime, Yellow, Blue, Fuchsia, Aqua, White, MoneyGreen, SkyBlue, Cream, MedGray, ActiveBorder, ActiveCaption, AppWorkSpace, Background, BtnFace, BtnHighlight, clBtnShadow, BtnText, CaptionText, Default, GradientActiveCaption, GradientInactiveCaption, GrayText, Highlight, HighlightText, HotLight, InactiveBorder, InactiveCaption, InactiveCaptionText, InfoBk, InfoText, Menu, MenuBar, MenuHighlight, MenuText, None, ScrollBar, 3DDkShadow, 3DLight, Window, WindowFrame, WindowText
PDF.Compression True (default), False
PDF.Compression.CompressionLevel Maximum (default), Fastest, Normal
PDF.Encryption True, False (default)
PDF.Encryption.UserPassword String, defaults to null (no password)
PDF.Encryption.OwnerPassword String, defaults to null (no password)
PDF.Encryption.AllowCopy True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowModify True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowPrint True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowFillForm True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowAnnotation True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowDocumentAssembly True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowHighResolutionPrint True (default), False
PDF.Encryption.AllowAccessibility True (default), False
PDF.FontEncoding WinAnsiEncoding (default), StandardEncoding, PDFDocEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, MacExpertEncoding
PDF.PageLayout OneColumn (default), SinglePage, TwoColumnLeft, TwoColumnRight
PDF.PageMode UseNone (default), FullScreen, UseOutlines, UseThumbs
PDF.HideMenuBar True, False (default)
PDF.HideNavigationControls True, False (default)
PDF.HideToolBar True, False (default)
PDF.PageTransitionEffect None (default), BlindsHorizontal, BlindsVertical, BoxInward, BoxOutward, Dissolve, GlitterLeftToRight, GlitterTopLeftToBottomRight, GlitterTopToBottom, SplitHorizontalInward, SplitHorizontalOutward, SplitVerticalInward, SplitVerticalOutward, WipeBottomToTop, WipeLeftToRight, WipeRightToLeft, WipeTopToBottom
PDF.PageTransitionDuration Integer, defaults to 1 second